What an Average Student asked to the GOOGLE?

an average student
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Average student 

Every day we come across many students who call themselves "an average student". They see themselves as an average student which means they are  told this repeatedly by our society. A seed of diffidence is sown in their minds which grows into a tree of failure.


What is Average?

We often hear this ‘average’ term in statistics or databases. Like average run; rate average score  but how it can be used for a humans. An average student - who will decide by what means a person is average - by looks, studies ,income or something else.What is the criteria or scaling of an average person.

Is there any actual guidelines or ruling of categorizing people?

Our society has already divided into caste greed and racism and now this tagism. It creates a sense of apathy between persons specially in students because here  tagism is used widely. 

 I have seen such schools where after every exam a list is prepared by the teacher. Weak students list and it is displayed along with the blackboard. How pathetic it is for a student whose name is tagged as weak ! In what manner it can affect his self esteem we even can’t imagine. It's awful for a student to survive in such an environment.If somehow that student is able to survive this humiliation but will he ever be able to progress in life.

Some people will advocate that its for their benefit it will motivate them to score good exams because for them everything is all about scoring good marks in an exam. But how will they justify the damage done to their personality isn't that important? No one can explain this and if someone tries to explain that agony he/she might fail in this affair.

There is no such thing like an average student in real world. Student are learners whose only job is to learn,except for the fact that they are tangled in the web of tags. .

Judging them by the performances in exams as poor; average & good never allows them to gain confidence in their life. These tag are not good, neither good nor average 

When society proclaims a student as good, his all attention shift towards satisfying his family; friends and society that he is a good student but he fails in his duty of being a student & learner.

A good teacher never discriminates between their students. Some students are  inquisitive, some are less so they might get some special attention from teachers. It's a very genuine thing but it doesn't mean that inquisitive students are teacher's favourite.


Students are tangled in the world of tags

Is being an average student bad?

It is extremely bad to call yourself an average student. You yourself have decide this then no one can pull you up , all will always push you down. Student is a learner. your only job is to learn throughout your life.

Can an average student become successful?

It is good that people call you  average because it will make your learning easy and smooth because you don't need to prove anything to others You can be more focused on your learning and development .

Good tag suppress the growth of a student as they are always under pressure of maintaining this pseudo success and for this they sacrifice their studies.


can an average student score 84 in class 10 score 90 above in 12?

We got this question from a student on Google. There is no big deal in scoring 84 in class 10th and 90 above in class 12th.

Students you should understand from this that your learning is important more than your score.if your learning is exam driven then that's not the actual  learning.

We have seen such students who have scored very less in Exams but are very successful in their life

Where the problem lies?

Basically in our education system (not criticizing our education system) but in our education system till class 10th students have to study each and every topic. Some students have an inclination towards a particular subject. Like a student loves physics so he might score very good marks in physics but less marks in others so his overall score may go down.But later, he might opt for physics as his career option and would be very successful.

Parents often asks "my child was so brilliant till class 10th but in 12th his performance has decreased".

Parents! should understand that till 10th everything is smooth and on a low level but from 11th we dive deeper in the subjects. If a student score good marks in 10th it doesn’t mean he/she is compelled to join P.C.M stream. It might not be the case with that student, he/she might have wanted to study economics or pursue arts as their career.

Parents need to understand that they can only take decisions but performance is intrinsic from a child . If he is unhappy he won’t be able to score well and this cruel world will tag him/her poor & average.

It is the need of hour to stop categorizing in tags it will take away their self reliance and they will always search for approvals from others.they will not be able to build commanding attitude in life. 

Students should also understand the tag  the only thing matters is your studies and learning. Never feel less, don't loose your enthusiasm and energy.Utilize your time and introspect your abilities. Take your parents in confidence because they will support you in every phase of your life. 

tagism invokes feeling of cheating

What pushes students to cheat?

This tagism invokes the feeling of cheating amongst the students because they are under immense pressure of parents and teachers for scoring marks. They become so helpless that cheating seems to be the best option for them.hey have to just satisfy others. It doesn't matter what they have gained or learned anything. It degrade their personality in a great manner. When a student starts feeling that scoring good marks he no longer remains a student he is not a leaner.

It may sound cliche to students but you should avoid cheating because it wont give you  any pleasure and happiness.

The worst part is that

"Cheating punishment is that the person has to live a life of mistrust."

 A person can’t with himself this guilt keeps on eating them from inside. Students! Guilt of scoring less in exam is much better than the guilt of cheating on yourself.

Release them from this pressure of this tags and let them learner according to their capability and interest.

I'm sharing few lines of a cartoon song;

I've got no strings

to hold me down,

to make me fret,

or make me frown.

I had strings,

but now I'm free—

there are no strings on me

you can listen this song too just click on Pinocchio - I've got no strings


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