What an Average Student asked to the GOOGLE?

Add caption Average student  Every day we come across many students who call themselves " an average student ". They see themselves as an average student which means they are  told this repeatedly by our society. A seed of diffidence is sown in their minds which grows into a tree of failure.   What is Average? We often hear this ‘ average ’ term in statistics or databases. Like average run; rate average score   but how it can be used for a humans. An average student - who will decide by what means a person is average - by looks, studies ,income or something else.What is the criteria or scaling of an average person . Is there any actual guidelines or ruling of categorizing people? Our society has already divided into caste greed and racism and now this tagism . It creates a sense of apathy between persons specially in students because here  tagism is used widely.   I have seen such schools where after every exam a list is prepared by the teacher. Weak students list and it i

Boards Vs JEE - Should I focus on my Boards or IIT-JEE Preparation ?

Board vs JEE What's the difference?

Most students have made their mind to focus just on boards and then take a drop to clear IIT-JEE
When students of this mind set are in there boards phase they just  focused only on boards' stuff  but in this span of two years these students are not able to build up the attitude of tackling complex and high level thinking questions and often lack in multiple concepts questions. They limit themselves and their capability. Some times few teachers also suppress the thought of JEE preparation by telling them stories of epic failure students. This also affect their mind set and confine their thoughts &learning.
Students under stress in multiple concept questions

Often student commit this mistake that they waste their whole class 11th & 12th  by just competing in their schools,class and coaching for marks and appreciation but never realize that they are so much lagging behind in this competitive world.

How to manage boards and JEE?

 Often at  ASPIRE IIT-JEE MAINS we get such questions from students sir how to manage boards and JEE  simultaneously There is wrong perception that JEE is all about tricks and tips. Teachers always make such allegations for using tricks in class . But who is preparing for JEE they know that there is no such thing like tips and tricks in JEE exam. ITS all about observations from learning. You need be thorough with the concept and have good command on topics  then only you will able to crack the exam

Students make observation by solving a number of questions which they implement in the problems which seems to be similar, but their efforts are ridiculed by calling it trick. JEE exam is much difficult then the boards and paper design is such that the tricks and tips which are trending in market cannot be used in the exam because the paper is designed by the brilliant minds of India and they won’t make any mistake in sorting the questions.

It is true that the school doesn't support student for JEE preparation because for them their future isn't important all they want is the result to be showcase on the school boards and magazine paper. Today a number of students are searching coaching because the schools aren't providing that level of knowledge and education in the current scenario. They demotivate the students....it may sound offensive but it is the harsh reality of the current school system of India.

The teacher who is teaching in school advised you to study for boards only but the same teacher outside, in this coaching centre is having banners of IIT-JEE preparation. This is the hypocrisy of our schools.

If parents are reading this then you must understand if you r child wants to prepare for JEE then it won't affect his boards.

From past years C.B.S.E is itself asking questions from 1990's JEE papers. If students are preparing for IIT-JEE then they can do very well in board exams. Their problem solving is much developed then the others and they do lot of questions, on average a JEE aspirants do 45-50 daily on daily basis and this data vary from student to students i have seen such students who solve 80-90 questions daily. Concept wise JEE preparation is best, it enhances a student's concepts

Stop suppressing the students just for banners, holdings and fame.


Which board is better for JEE?

 There is no specific boards  for JEE. But the C.B.S.E boards students get advantage because the JEE syllabus is designed according to N.C.E.R.T. They can focus on boards and JEE simultaneously without switching chapters.

So if you have a choice then opt for C.B.S.E but if you are already in any other boards then believe yourself and past results have shown the non C.B.S.E students have cracked JEE.

First Step

A student who is in class 11th and is aspiring for IIT-JEE  should set his/her target that after 2 years he/she has to crack the exam and pass it with flying colors.When you are in class 11th and 12th your enthusiasm and energy level is high and you cam aim high in this phase by utilizing your time and focus concept building & master your subjects.

It's very important to plan in class 11th only for the upcoming years of your preparation because if you start your preparation from class 11th and in any case you got to take drop then you can achieve even high in exam but if you haven't started preparation in class 11th then taking dropper is useless because it will take you a lot of time of yours to understand the study pattern and exam pattern for cracking  IIT-JEE exam.

Class 11th & 12th students can work hard without any fear of failure in their school phase because somewhere deep inside they know they still have one attempt left which is not in the case of dropper.
For a dropper it's do or die situation and often expectations are little high from a dropper. 

Preparation from class 11th is now more important on because of two attempts in  JEE-MAINS  i.e January and April Attempt.

According to previous 2019 data it is found that January attempt is easy to score a good percentile .
Droppers often aren't able to finish their syllabus by the end of December and their score suffer in January attempt whereas for a 12th student their syllabus is almost complete by end of October or in early week November and they have a plenty of time to focus on revision which increases their score drastically.

Mostly those droppers are successful who started their preparation in class 11th and rest just increase the revenue of government lol!
Start your preparation from today on wards if you haven't started and you are in class 11th because its never to late to start.

read my previous post 

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  1. Thank you so much sir.....I came here bcoz of quora .....thank you sir

  2. Sir iit Kanpur ke liye mera matlab kuch aggregate percentage to hoga I mean that

    1. nearly from50-60% score in JEE Advance will fetch you a seat in IITK


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